Official film of the 2024 Durham Miners Gala

The official film of the 2024 Durham Miners Gala will premiere online on Thursday 12 December at 7pm.

The 138th Gala marked 40 years since the Miners Strike. The theme of ‘Solidarity Forever’ ran through the Gala, with the DMA highlighting the solidarity that sustained the strike and has kept the Gala going in the decades that followed.

The Gala was attended by 64 Durham miners banner, and by at least one banner from every other coalfield in the UK. They were accompanied by more than 50 brass bands and by over 100 labour movement banners from across the country and beyond.

Film crew commissioned by the DMA and the Friends of Durham Miners Gala were there to capture the sights and sounds throughout Gala day. The film starts off early in the morning in Murton and follows the banner group through the day.

Watch trailer here.

The 18-minute film features the bands, the banners, the people, the speeches, and the Cathedral service and reminds us why Gala day is the greatest day of the year. 

Watch the film on YouTube here.

Watch on Facebook here.

The costs of hosting the Gala are rising sharply and more support is needed. Your Gala needs you!

If you are able to chip in, please join our band of ‘Marras’ today here.

You can also support us by purchasing from our official Gala online store. All proceeds go to the Gala. Shop online here